The Moving Day Survival Kit

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Prepare a survival kit for your house moving day.

As you dive into the craziness of getting some house moving costs and the moving process itself, you can easily stuck or get lost in the packages or counting down what is left and in these kind of situations is necessary to have your autopilot work for you so make sure you prepare beforehand a moving day survival kit with the most vital tools you will need while the removal takes part. You never know when you need your ID, a contract or a headache pill; the ultimate survival kit can save the time and reduce panic to minimum as you have the most important things close to you.




First of all is necessary to realize that you should keep the survival first-need kit apart from the rest moving packages and boxes what are going to be loaded and transported by the removal team, as depending on the distance you may have to store for some time the boxes.

Make sure the first-night kit is tagged so you can identify it from the rest and keep it close to you so you don’t have to unpack all the boxes in the need of finding your sleeping bag and sometimes you won’t have the appropriate space to check all of them in order to get your changing clothes.; better to transport it yourself or to put it the last that goes in the truck so you can have it the first out.

As moving implies unpacking when at the new place, arranging can take a while so the bad probably won’t be the first thing you think about, that is way you have to make sure that your family has the right amount and appropriate sleeping bags and nightclothes for the first night.

Besides the overnight bag consider the changing clothes for the next day. If there is just you alone moving, keep all these stuff in one bag for an effective and comfortable division of your vitals, if there are more family members you can coordinate with each of them what every one of them should keep in mind and then to settle to have the bathroom supplies in one box for making it more simple to overpass it at the new house.


These are just some basic tricks we advice each customer in advance, for any extra advice and useful hacks check out our Blog or read our House Moving Checklist.



wecare removals moving day survival kit





      Kitchen room:

  • Water (consider the individual bottling for each for a more comfortable carrying).
  • Kettle ( consider the volume if big family)
  • Instant tea bags/ coffee/ milk powder and sugar.
  • Snacks ( consider the number the kids and amount of the settling-in days)
  • Basic utensils- a set of fork/knife with cup and plate for each member of the family(consider the distance and settling-in period and if long- choose the plastic cutlery)
  • Provisions (consider the number of the days until a working kitchen)
  • Cooking tools and recipients ( consider the days until a working kitchen)
  • Wipes, garbage bags and paper tower.



  • Bed sheets and extra blanket ( consider the amount of sleeping bags)
  • A set of changing clothes for each
  • Closet tools( phone chargers, alarm clocks, glasses, if small children- a lamp)



  • Personal Hygene tools ( toothbrush, toothpaste, shower supplies, towel)
  • Cosmetics ( toiletries, cleaning and disinfection supplies)
  • Soap and toiler paper.
  • Medicine and first aid supplies ( painkillers, plasters, antiseptic, anti allergic products).

      From the toolbox:

  • Elementary tools( knife, scissors, lantern and batteries)
  • Secondary tools ( duct tape, ropes, screwdriver, hammer and nails, tape-measure, wrench)



  • Radio device with extra batteries;
  • Lamps with light bulbs;
  • Bucket with floor mop;
  • Sticky Paper notes with pens for;
  • Pet accessories ( bedding/ feeding/ hygiene materials)
  • Aroma therapy tools for a comfy and relaxed atmosphere

       Special children must-have list:

  • Soft toys of puzzle games for entertaining time;
  • Reading , coloring books or coloring pages ;
  • Coloring pens/crayons and paper;
  • Lamps and family pictures ( for the emotional comfort);
  • Cartoon DVD’s or playing cassettes;
  • Little babies changing supplies;
  • Moving in surprise( for a positive association; e.g. a housekeeper toy )



Along the strategically arranged moving-in items keep in mind that it is about people so have fun and enjoy the process and if a new tradition ritual will make the move more festive and cheerful than don’t hesitate to invent one.

Keeping the family united sometimes may be more difficult then arranging the removal, so take some glasses, a bottle of champagne for the adults and a soda for the kids and celebrate your new start.



Are you moving house, office or just need a storage solution ? Don't hesitate to contact WeCare Removals in order to receive a competitive quote.